The following principles help the IP coaching interaction to blossom into an empowering exchange for both the one who receives and the one who offers a coaching moment.
The transcending principle
This principle is the practical application of the iconic quote attributed to Albert Einstein: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
The coach empathically welcomes the theme of the client (or friend). The issue can be a problem, a conflict, a need, a pattern, an issue, an ambition, a question, a request, a challenge, a learning desire, an awakening, the integration of experience, a preparation for an event, a creation of a project, a soul mission, … and much more.
The coach harmonizes with the coachee to meet the client where he/she is and welcomes the theme for what it is (nothing more and nothing less, this means without adding anything and without leaving anything out). The ‘nothing more / nothing less’ attitude is a very powerful, grounding and true compassionate presence in the present moment reality.
While welcoming the client’s theme exactly for what it is, the coach relates with the theme of the same level, solely for recognition and understanding of the theme, but does not seek a solution on that level. The solution comes from a deeper and/or more expanded level. The coach uses IP to embody that level deeper/expanded state of consciousness and to respond from that level of consciousness. A response can be with or without words, with or without gestures, with or without a certain facial expression, with or without a touch, with or without a specific energy flow, with or without thoughts, with or without specific emotions, … yet always with presence and likely with some form of empathy. With true welcoming of the theme into Integral Presence, a spontaneous co-creative process comes forth that mobilizes the clients towards the solution.
The commitment of the coach is to keep the point of gravity of focus in the solution consciousness while empathically welcoming the theme.
The embodiment principle
This principle is the practical application of an equally iconic quote that is usually attributed to Ghandi, allthough there is no documented proof that he actually said this famous quote*: “Be the change you want to see in the world”. No matter who sculpted this statement, it is wonderful advice. I name it the embodiment principle for now. In my practice I notice that not only children but most people learn much more from example than from words or teaching. So once the best fitting IP element(s) is(are) discovered the coach first embodies this(these) elements before giving the client any suggestion, if a suggestion is needed at all after true embodiment.
*What Ghandi actually said was: “ All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”
While applying these two principles of 1) keeping the point of gravity in the solution consciousness and 2) engage first of all on embodying it, the coach can use all the other IP tools like the Neutral Observer, the Transformation Cycle, the Transformation Roadmap, and so on…