There can be moments, periods or conditions where the mind functions less then ideal. The severity of the challenges can vary widely from minor disharmonies to debilitating afflictions.
- Mind fragmentation: one mind faculty (reason, will or emotion) operates separately from the two other mind faculties or all three faculties operate separately. With de isolated mind faculty there is a stronger or lesser absence of connection with the other mind faculties.
- Unequal development: one or two mind faculties (reason, will or emotion) are significantly less/more developed then the other(s).
- Inner miscommunication between the faculties: different from mind fragmentation which results in a stronger or lesser absence of inner communication, we find here a communication that is dysfunctional. It is sometimes, yet not always, related to the previous condition of unequal development.
- Dullness: lack of awareness, clarity and lucidity in one, two or all mind faculties.
- Asynchrony: the velocities of operation of the three mind faculties are not in synchronization.
- Incoherency: the order of operation of the mind faculties is not correctly or not smoothly coordinated.
- Imbalance: the mind faculties do not operate in promotive mutual proportion to optimize the effectiveness of their joint effort
- Reactive: the mind faculties operate more in a defense against the present moment situation rather then generating a prolific response to the needs of the present moment.