The cut-off of vital energy occurs at the beginning of life.
The traumatic experience occurs during pregnancy or the first months of life.
At the origin of everything is always the fear of not having the right to exist.
Needs: The main needs of the schizoid character are:
- Feeling his/her existence
- Security
These are primary needs.
Emotions: His environment threatens him by disregarding him as a human being and / or failing to ensure his physical and psychical security.
The baby and then the child and the adult will have to deal with the terror and rage caused by the coldness and hostility of his environment.
This first experience of his mother and his environment will not only constitute his first experience of himself but will also guide his mode of response to the world.
In a very young baby, the neurovegetative system that manages the basic activities is still immature Faced with a danger it can stop or stop.
It is a survival response in itself because, in nature, the immobilization or the freeze causes the disinterest of the aggressor for his prey.
Immobilization is accompanied by an energy withdrawal.
In a very small baby, the most developed sensory organs are in the head and sensory-motor coordination is in the head and neck. So the baby can turn his head towards the voice or the smell of his mother and be interested in the human faces that he can follow the eyes.
It is therefore at this level (head, ocular segment, neck ….) that energy blockages will be most marked. They will cut off the head of the rest of the body.
And the head will be the area that contains the most energy.
Energy structure:
-The energy capacity is low.
-Energy is removed from the periphery of the body: foot-legs, arm-hands, genitals, face and is drawn up, in the head.
A person of a schizoid type can easily abandon his body because his body limits are fuzzy and permeable.
-The energy charge is frozen in the central area and may occasionally come out explosively.
- Energy cuts between the top and the bottom of the body and at the joints.
Physical characteristics :
-The body is reminiscent of an assembly of pieces not holding firmly together.
-Asymmetry left-right or body that develops, for example, scoliosis
-The tension at the base of the occiput leads to a misalignment “head-body”, the head tilts frequently aside.
Tension in the joints, the shoulders, hips, members resulting in a cut-off appearance, poor motor coordination and a certain rigidity.
It can be said that the rigidity of the schizoid is more fragile and has more ice quality than that of the “rigid character”, the latter being more a rigidity of steel.
-Tension in the diaphragm due to resistance to the inhale. This one leads breathing of small amplitude.
– Leaking or frozen gaze, sometimes with little human contact due to “absent look”.
Dynamics of the character:
-This character is built first and foremost around the response to terror: the fear of ceasing to exist or falling apart is countered by contractions to keep the cohesion, to hold together the pieces of his body and to take refuge where he feels most secure (in his head)
-The defense put in place implies the denial of lack of love. The schizoid remains in the illusion that his mother really loves him, and if not, at least God. This leads him to have a particular affinity for spiritual or cosmic experiences.
-He will miss perception of himself and identification with his body
-He will avoid intimate relationships, situations of relational proximity and the feeling of his emotions because they awaken the basic anxiety: the fear of not existing, to break up into pieces.
This leads to a withdrawal into a more secure position, whereas the deepest desire is that of the intimate relationship.
-The illusions that he entertains:, “If I can be right in my head, then I will manage my fear and if I freeze my body I will not feel my pain to live”
The fragile boundaries of self make him hypersensitive.
Therapeutic goals:
-Contact with oneself and the body. Make the body a habitable “home”.
-Contact with others in social and intimate relationships
-Develop rooting and trust.
-Integrate and appropriate your own hostility towards others, due to the initial experience.
-Learn to tolerate heat, expansion and life without terror.
-Get born totally to the world.
Summary of the character structure according to Anne Hodiamont, bio-energetic therapist and certified in “subtle energies” since 2016. Anne studies Integral Presence with Jan since 2011.