Some experiences of participants enrolled in the workshop ‘Le pouvoir bénéfique des mains’ (‘The healing power of hands’) taught in French.
Catherine Quinet
First of all, a huge thanks for these two days. Thanks Jan for the sharing and to all participants, intendants… who permitted this wonderful moment.
Thanks also to give the opportunity to write down the fruit of this experience. I hesitated to reply thinking that what I’ve lived was written in me, why taking this time?
And then finally, I stopped, the words came out and I realized that this is totally new and prints out even differently.
1. What was in general your experience during the workshop « The beneficial power of hands »?
I approached this 2-days’ workshop as a novice, open to the experience of anything that would happen, the heart in joy, already during the carpooling.
The word that comes to my mind is « wonderment », at the beginning, since my arrival in the room facing the quality of a « palpable » silence.
These two days, all day: back and forth in the link to the self and to others in a big kindness, in the acceptance of what (who) comes (happen). Exchange with the self and the others sometimes easy, sometimes more difficult, light moments, darker moments.
At the end of this workshop, I had the feeling to have lived a great meditation, a return to the shared essential and to have had the possibility to put words on the lived feeling.
2. What do you think this brought to your daily life?
To be in the present moment, aligned in the hara, breathe – this chorus chanted during this week-end is inscribed in me with more strength. More regularly in my work, during which I meet many persons, this comes back to me: centering – breathing –presence. When this is present all is more fluid, the kindness is setting up, everyone benefit from it, even the relationship. This state of mind permitted to me to live a difficulty more serenely.
During several sessions of reiki done after these two days, other feelings appeared. It is good to re-hear, otherwise, and especially re-live with all my being these fundamentals, put in the beginners’ attitude and whet the curiosity.
3. Have you drawn a regular practice from it?
These two intense days « reasserted » to me the importance of a regular practice of the meditation, of the presence to the self and to others in the respect and the kindnesscompared to what is lived. Re-listen and re-live this by different ways and especially experience in group is an enormous support in this path.
4. How could we even better satisfy your needs? (which and how)
These two days seemed to me very balanced and right. Balanced between the return in the self and the opening to others. Very right in the way Jan talks to the group and to each of us with kindness, without judgment, by always bringing the focus back to the essential.
A written support, even minimal, would have interested me.
5. How would you describe the content and impact of the workshop to people who don’t know this work?
Concerning the content, I would say that this workshop sets up this (conscious) presence to the self and to others; a rootedpresence, inscribed in the present moment. It also fosters an opening and an attention to the feeling, all this in a context of acceptance, of benevolence, of appropriateness.
As to the impact, this re-centering, supported by the energy of the group, fostered the development of subtle perceptions and gave my impulse back to pursue on this lifepath which commits this entirely in the unity.
Taking the time to tell these several words was precious to realize in depth the sharing of this lived experience.
Catherine Quinet – 22/03/2013