
Personal Sessions – Online meditations – Workshops – Classes

Individuel sessions for developing your Integral Presence or have personal coaching. Consultations possible in English, French, and Dutch … in person near Brussels or online.

Regular guided meditation classes near Brussels and online meditations. The transmission of Integral Presence is mostly through presence and silence. The instructions are in easy French.

Profound energy healing training:       Jan has (co-)trained a few hundred people internationally in the healing arts. “énergies subtiles” (ES) is one of the modalities. Integral Presence is the underlying foundation of this healing training program taught in French. Participants engage first and foremost in their personal development and apply the acquired energy skills in their professional lives, either as therapist, consultant, coach or in other domains.

Prayer healing sessions. This select group of accredited therapists have been thoroughly trained by Jan for a minimum of 4 years and are staying in active alignment with the evolution of this work.

Aquatic HealingIntegral Presence is the underlying foundation of this water work.  You can take an individual session.

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